Midas Wealth one of India's premier wealth advisor firms. Our advisors help create and protect the wealth of affluent and high net worth individuals and corporates. We believe that wealth should be professionally managed,
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A mutual fund is simply a financial intermediary that allows a group of investors to pool their money together with a predetermined investment objective. Read more
FDs are one of the oldest and most common methods of investing. When it comes to assured returns, choosing the right type of savings scheme makes all the difference. Read more
Financial Planning is a service that looks at an individual’s investment needs through a step by step approach. The Financial Planning service is ideal for individuals. Read more
Wealth Management is a comprehensive mix of Asset, Debt, Tax and Risk Management Strategies into one single financial solution. This is ideal for clients. Read more
India enjoys one of the largest inflows from its Non-Resident population who seem keen to send money back to their loved ones and also invest in the emerging India story. Read more
1st Step towards Financial Nirvana is deciding your investments Goals.
Midas Wealth will help you understand your ability to bear risk and identify the asset classes to match your investment needs.
Invest monthly through an SIP or whenever you have the money in our Identified & Researched best funds.
Midas Wealth does not stops until you achieve your Goals & attain Financial Nirvana.